We understand the stress that can come with home maintenance, repairs, and remodels. We suggest that you take advantage of the opportunity to meet several contractors prior to selecting the one you will allow to work inside your home.
During the initial planning of your homes changes, you should remember to make sure your contractor is licensed and insured, and ask for proof of this. Having a contractor who is not licensed and insured leaves the door open for numerous different mishaps to occur. All contractors who are licensed and insured will be able to provide you with proof of this.
Aside from having your contractor provide proof of proper documentation, it is also important that you like your contractor and are able to communicate with them. It is uncommon for the contractor who shows up to meet with you and provide you with an estimate to be the person who will be completing and overseeing the work on your home. At Home Force the contractor who meets with you will be involved (hands on) in your project through completion.